The Woman Behind the Brand
Prior to social media making culinary arts a trending topic, my grandpa and I would discover the newest neighborhood restaurants and explore the Long Island dining scene. I gained an early appreciation for good customer service, delectable dishes, and fellowshipping with loved ones over appetizing cuisine.
My passion developed further for the food industry, as I grew out of my adolescent. I became fascinated about how a restaurant came up with their idea for the bar top, decided on that particular uniform for their associates or why this restaurant is the hot new place to be. But mainly I was more interested about the décor, cleanliness and my overall experience with a restaurant than anything else.
By the time I reached my 20’s, I was using my Zagat guide more than the movie guide. I would explore the city restaurants with zest and zeal informing all of my friends about my findings. During this time, I started a monthly brunch club so that I can share my dining experience with my friends. I began traveling the world documenting everything and every place I dined.